Heidi’s Story: Overcoming Inflammatory Breast Cancer with Expert Care and Compassion

Heidi Wise’s journey started quickly. Seemingly overnight her right breast became hard, swollen and sore. She first consulted her OB-GYN, who then sent her to a surgeon. A biopsy revealed that Heidi had inflammatory breast cancer, an aggressive type of cancer that was not so well known at the time. Luckily, her surgeon sent her to Fort Wayne Medical Oncology and Hematology to see yet another doctor, which changed Heidi’s life.
“Cancer is the one word you never want to hear in your lifetime. When you do hear it, you want the best doctor,” she adds, explaining that her FWMOH oncologist’s “background and knowledge of chemotherapy drugs were excellent. He definitely chose the right drugs. We saw results with each chemotherapy session.” The drugs and their possible side effects were carefully explained in advance, too, Heidi notes, and her questions were always welcomed as she received help and support through the whole process.
Today, Heidi is happy to report that her cancer continues to be in remission with no evidence of the disease. She gives much of the credit to a positive attitude, her family’s support and, of course, her oncologist, “He’s been there every step of the way. He saved my life, and I have the utmost respect for him. His devotion to his patients, the compassion he shows and his positive nature exceed all expectations.”
Her praise extends to others, too. “The nurses at FWMOH were so sweet to me and so compassionate in their caregiving,” she says. “The first time I received chemotherapy, one of them sat with me the whole time, just talking to me and reassuring me.” Heidi enjoys seeing them when she returns for her annual checkups because “they know me and remember me.”
That may explain why she continues to choose FWMOH for her annual check-ups, despite the fact that she and her family moved to Indianapolis six years ago. She explains, “Cancer is the one word you never want to hear. But when you do, you want the best doctor – and that’s exactly what I found.”